GCCA: Ogle Airport mass casualty exercise favourable

7th October, 2013

OGLE - Ogle International Airport mass causality exercise was deemed a success by the country’s aviation watchdog – the Guyana Civil Aviation Authourity (GCCA).

Conducted on August 29, the exercise simulated an aircraft crash at the Ogle aerodrome with 50 plus victims, and after an evaluation by GCCA several recommendations were made to enhance the security and communication process in future exercises:

  • Vehicles must be assigned or dedicated to aid the security unit’s response and deployment when in emergency mode.
  • Develop appropriate SOPs for personnel to be familiar with their required functions at access points.
  • Procure additional radios to enhance communication between the security (and other critical response personnel) when there is an emergency.
  • Because of severe lack of manpower, security personnel from other Air Operators should be seconded to aid in cordon formation.
  • Establish Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) with other operators to utilize their security personnel if and when there is an emergency