21st July, 2020

Puruni Road

Thursday, February 7, 2019 - The Ministry of Public Infrastructure wishes to
advise the miners, passengers and residents of Puruni and neighboring communities that a contract has been signed for the rehabilitation and construction of the Itabali to Puruni Road and actual works shall commence within the upcoming weeks.

While the responsibility for this road falls specifically under the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), the Ministry of Public Infrastructure has recognized the urgency  of repair and assures that all efforts are being made by the Ministry to advance the efforts of the GGMC to have this road rehabilitated.

The Ministry  therefore takes this opportunity to reiterate its commitment in lending its assistance to working with the GGMC in having this route addressed as a matter of priority. The Ministry further expresses its apologies for the constant delays and the difficulties experienced by the communities.

The Ministry reiterates its commitment to the mining community and residents that it will continue to work with the GGMC to resolve the situation and to provide updates as the work progress.