KINGSTON – She has been with the Ministry of Public Works for four decades and has been a tower of strength to four Ministers during her dedicated years of service.
On December 18, Hon. Robeson Benn and staff held a simple ceremony at the Ministry’s boardroom to express their gratitude to Phyllis Rahman, who worked her way up the chain of command from a Typist Clerk 1 to Confidential Secretary.
Her outstanding credentials included her adaptability, charisma, promptness and endearing attitude towards work.
The Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Balraj Balram in his glowing tribute to the veteran staff said that Ms. Rahaman’s departure “has left a vacuum” in the working lives of those she interacted with.
Meanwhile, her former boss, Minister Benn, challenged the two young ladies who now man his office to fill the “big shoes left by Phyllis”.
“She is an extraordinary resource to assist in your development,” he added.
Ms. Rahaman joined the then Ministry of Works and Housing in September 1972 as a Typist Clerk 1, and following several promotions was assigned as Confidential Secretary in 1993 to then Minister – Harry Persaud Nokta.
And over the ensuing years she has served Ministers Benn, Anthony Xavier and Harry Narine Nawbatt.