KINGSTON - Georgetown, Region 4, over the past 26 hours, has experienced approximately 106.3mm of rainfall.
According to the Hydro-meteorological office, Central Georgetown recorded 27.9 mm of rainfall between 8 am and 10 am – June 19, 2015.
Mechanical pumping of sluices began from 08:30 am and water was drained by gravity until 15:30 h.
The tide is now rising and at 19:00 h it will be at its highest. Low tide will occur around 21:00 h. In the meantime, the five pumps along the Demerara River have commenced pumping water off the ground. It is apt to note that the Liliendaal and Kitty pumps are in operation at all times.
At 21:30 h mechanical pumping of the sluice will resume until 3:00 h, June 20, 2015.
Providing there is no rainfall, waters will recede off the land during the course of tomorrow.